Pearson Wallace Insurance, LLC
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Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance - Policies for Attorneys & Law Firms

Lawyers obtain professional liability insurance to protect them against financial loss due to negligence, errors, or omissions. As a practicing attorney, while you may be dedicated to your clients, it is possible that they will not return the favor in the event of an unforeseen oversight. Your business is at risk, no matter how small or large it may be. Client expectations are rising and malpractice lawsuits are more frequent. How well your firm is protected from lawsuits or claims could affect your business's financial security.

What Protection does a Lawyers Liability policy provide?

This coverage is designed to protect legal professionals from the many emerging exposures they face. It can also help protect your company against losses due to negligence, errors or omissions in professional services. You can tailor this policy to meet your business's needs.

These are the key policy benefits:

  • Coverage for network and information security offenses

  • Automatic acquisitions coverage

  • Expanded coverage of professional services

  • Crisis event expense reimbursement coverage

  • Pre-claim and claim services

One of our carriers offers a wide range of risk management resources as part of your coverage. This includes a risk management helpline that provides up to an hour consultation with a top professional liability defense firm. This helpline offers confidential, expert and knowledgeable resources on a variety of risk management topics.

Who is Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance right for?

Law firms of small and medium size. A general professional liability policy will generally not suffice. A lawyers liability policy that specifically addresses the need of the legal industry is recommended.